Help and Support
We are facing an unprecedented time of uncertainty ahead.
Looking after ourselves can mean avoiding the virus, but it also means looking after our mental wellbeing. For different reasons, some of us are being advised to stay indoors for long periods of time. But it’s still important to keep active and keep well.
Avoiding in-person social contact, does not have to mean avoiding social contact. We know that loneliness can be a huge issue for people in Scotland, whether a person is socially isolated or not. Now, more than ever, we need to be looking out for one other.
How to help build strong inclusive communities
Are there people who you know who live locally and who might be alone? Or maybe struggling with anxiety or mental health? Make contact with neighbours, friends and family, check they are OK and well. Some may be isolating for various reasons. For some, your call may be enough to make a bad day turn to a good day.
You can support your local foodbank, who may be struggling with donations at the moment and are well placed to distribute essentials to those who need them most.
How to keep busy
Parenting resources
Where to find practical support
Mutual Aid Groups are being set up in towns and cities all over the country. There’s a full list of them here.
Nextdoor is an online neighbourhood hub “for trusted connections and the exchange of helpful information, goods, and services.” It can be a useful source of local advice and place where people can share offers of support and ask for help. See if there is a local group here.
Face-to-face contact can still happen virtually. Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and various other technology social connecting apps are available to stay in contact and see people, even if you cannot be with them physically.
Where to get other types of support
If you are an older person in Scotland and fancy a chat, or just want to hear a friendly voice, call the Age Scotland helpline – they always have time to talk. 08001244222
Whatever you’re going through, you can call Samaritans any time day or night, 365 days a year. Call them free on 116 123 or email them at jo@samaritans.org
The Silver Line is there to provide free confidential information, advice or friendship to older people 24 hours a day and 7 days a week on 0800 470 80 90
If you are are a child or young adult and feeling lonely, you can call SupportLine on 01708 765 200
The Calm Zone is a helpline offering support to men, of any age, who are down or in crisis, 0800 585858.
Staying at home can be particularly difficult for some people, who might be experiencing abuse or other issues. Zero Tolerance lists some useful helplines.
Breathing Space is a free and confidential phoneline service for anyone in Scotland who is experiencing low mood or depression. Call them on 0800 83 85 87
Support for children and families
During these difficult and uncertain times for us all, it is our most vulnerable families who will be hardest hit. Children 1st are determined to maintain direct, practical and emotional support to children and families wherever it is safe to do so. Their Parentline service will be giving a helping hand to any family in Scotland that needs it – on the phone: 08000 28 22 33, by webchat or online: children1st.org.uk/parentline.
Wellbeing hints and tips
Calm have curated content hand-picked to support your mental and emotional wellness through this time
Where to find out the latest health news and government advice
The UK Government advice including on how to protect yourself up-to-date info on the virus.
Health Protection Scotland offers latest public health advice for Scotland.
NHS Inform offers latest guidance on symptoms and actions to take